Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 2)  

18-04-06 ; Traditional culture holds God's will in awe, believing that heaven created man and all things, and...


18-04-04 ;>I am right about Amazon costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money for being...

In Landmark Decision, Trump Admin Adds Citizenship Question to 2020 Census

18-03-31 will be reinstated in the 2020 Census.The question is crucial for determining the distribution of...

China's First "Monk Emperor": Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty

18-03-31 noted the demise of the Qi Dynasty and he worked diligently in his handling of state affairs. He always...

Top Chinese Diplomat Misses Major Appointment, a Hint of Xi Jinping Winning Score Against Rival Faction

18-03-24 , ending months of speculation about who will manage different portfolios in China’s state affairs.Vice...

China’s Orwellian ‘Social Credit System’ to Begin Banning People From Planes, Trains

18-03-24 “social credit system,” an experimental design that international observers have speculated will be the...

Taking Delight in Having One's Mistakes Pointed Out

18-03-24 ;What you said is correct. Mark my word that I will correct it!" History serves as a mirror. Upon...

How Shi Yeguang's False Cultivation Led to Retribution

18-03-24 you go to the capital, you will be treated as an eminent monk and become a government official. When...

China’s Viral Eye-Rolling Reporter Incident Reveals a Darker Secret

18-03-22 international media, and they will be arranged to ask questions during press conferences. This is typical...

The Difficulty of Ending Gun Violence in the United States

18-03-18 Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 13 has unleashed an unprecedented “I’m mad as hell...

All Eyes on Peter Navarro to Reshape U.S. Trade Relations With China

18-03-18 Navarro will have a larger role to play in shaping the administration’s policies.Views on ChinaWhat...

Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

18-03-18 Emperor Shun (2294 – 2184 BC) wear?" Confucius did not reply. The Duke asked again, "I am trying...

A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 2)

18-03-18 will no longer be restricted by a pre-arranged fate. In the first chapter of I Ching, it says, '...


18-03-16 (How the New Tax Plan Will Affect Your Business and Your Family)”时间:3月17日(周六)11:00am-1:00pm。地点:曼尼康托尔中心...

   A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 1)

18-03-11 year, you will be able to take the exam and enter the 'Scholar's Palace.' Why did you...

North Korea Willing to Discuss Surrender of Nuclear Weapons, Promises to Not Attack South

18-03-11 with North Korea, yet according to Yonhap News Agency, the White House said it will first wait to see...

Manufacturers and Steelworkers Defend Import Tariffs

18-03-11 steel plants across Ohio and steelworkers who live in fear that their jobs will be the next victims of...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 me? Come, Zilu. You play the music and sing the lyrics, and I will join you."  Zilu put down his...

美国移民局追查假庇护 很多中国人丢了身份

18-03-04 will not be gregarious when he grows up.But China’s family planning policy…3)发现怀孕了,第一个人的原因:哦!一个月前做爱的时候...

A Blacksmith's Promise to Grant a Poor Scholar Five Hundred Strings of Coins

18-03-04 are very rich. I would like to ask you for 500 strings of coins. Would you please grant me that...

Claims of United States Being the Worst Country for Mass Shootings are Wrong: Study Shows

18-03-04 to CNBC. “At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass...

  Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 and to have sympathy for neighbors. Those who follow the Tao will have good fortune." Ancient...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 contact whose grandfather detailed the Soviet plot became nervous and afraid.“I have to tell you he became...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 level of tolerance. I couldn't imagine that you would tolerate me so much!" Lin replied, "...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 sort this data. A couple years ago you just couldn’t do it because you didn’t have sufficient computer...

Admiral Who Pushed Hard Against Chinese Regime’s Aggression Chosen by Trump to Be Ambassador to Australia

18-02-19 the alliance and will reassure Canberra about Washington’s engagement with the region and its...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 me." The elderly man asked, "What were the indicators you saw?" Yin Xi answered, "I...


18-02-15 大家新年快乐,有一个健康、快乐、发达的狗年。美国国会议员Barbara Comstock的贺词:Dear Friends,           I wish to extend my warm...

Chinese Navy’s Prototype Railgun Could Make Its Cruisers Dominant, Rings Alarm Bells for US

18-02-11 possibly up to eight, Type 055s. (PLAN)With the new electromagnetic rail guns, the Type 055 will become the...

4 Things to Know About Carter Page, the Man at the Center of the Memo

18-02-10 a Russian national accused of acting as an unregistered Russian agent in the United States. “I was a witness...

China's Tea Culture (Part 3)   中华茶文化 (下)

18-02-11 of." When you let go of all these, you will certainly feel extremely relaxed, and when you look around...

葛莱美奖第60届主要得奖名单    火星人入围6项全拿

18-02-05 最佳年度专辑和最佳年度唱片,成功以1980年代R&B复古曲风掳获评审的心,并且以“就爱这一味”(That's What I Like)一曲赢得最佳年度歌曲奖。路透社报导,“火星人...

Pope Francis Appeases Chinese Regime, Depriving Persecuted Underground Catholics of Their Bishops

18-02-05 regime, which has always rejected the pope’s authority to appoint Catholic bishops in mainland...

票房分红陷纠纷 周润发控大陆片商

18-02-03 7月、2014年7月及2015年7月与电影《赌城风云I》、《赌城风云II》及《赌城风云III》的制片商签定合约,现在要求法庭颁令被告博纳影视娱乐有限公司需依照合约,交出相关文件、支付余款,并做出赔偿...

At Table With Trump, 15 European Business Giants Praise Tax Reform and Pledge Billions in New Investments

18-02-03 momentum that you’ve created in the global economy, so I thank you very much.”...

Gorka Discusses US National Security

18-01-29 ?Yes, I think the most important thing for people to understand, if you want to understand where...


18-01-29 (Sally Hawkins)、《三块广告牌》的弗兰西斯‧麦克多蒙德(Frances McDormand)、《我,花样女王》(I, Tonya)的玛格特‧罗比(Margot Robbie)和《伯德小姐》的西尔莎...

三星 S9 2月发布  Note 9 传将搭载“萤幕指纹感测”新技术

18-01-27 曝光。来自微博网友“i冰宇宙”的消息爆料,三星已取得萤幕下指纹识别专利,从曝光的技术图文件看来,这项由三星自家研发的全新指纹辨识技术,将可应用于OLED萤幕。目前市面上第一款搭载萤幕指纹感测功能的智慧型...


18-01-23 streets will be closed off during rush hour every day, from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. <...

防孩童贩运   纽约市儿童局提出防止儿童人口贩卖新措施

18-01-23 《我是小红帽》(I am Little Red),教导11-14岁孩童,如何识别性拐卖。内容浓缩自十名儿童性交易幸存者的经历,由《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)女演员雀丝坦(Jessica Chastain...